Martha Richler (Marf) presents Night Train, a late-night radio show, on Thursdays from 10pm – midnight. It’s an unusual mix of all types of music, from jazz to soul to pop to prog rock to new music, with a spotlight on female musicians.
Martha love’s weaving inspirational quotes from modern literature, ancient philosophy and poetry into the playlist. Each show is a bit of theatre with sound effects and a dramatic beginning, middle and end, with each episode with its own narrative thread. She love’s that feeling when you come out of the cinema blinking, and see the world slightly differently. What she is doing is a bit like in the early days of radio – a throwback to a time when radio was the centre of the home, a kind of second hearth, a hub of stories and new ideas, comedy and entertainment.
Night Train features an in-depth interview each week with a musician, intertwined with good company and fun to listen to. Towards midnight, nearing the end of the show, Martha mellows the theme and music played, ensuring you’re completely relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep.